Dead Sea, a healing oasis for Vitiligo

Discover how the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea in Jordan are a scientific solution for vitiligo treatment.

We organize group-trips to Jordan to treat Vitiligo through science-backed Dead Sea Climatotherapy.

Innovative research on vitiligo has opened the gates to treat Vitiligo through a completely natural approach with world-leading results. We welcome you to discover the benefits

About us
About us

“I've had vitiligo since age of 6, facing years of social stress and anxiety.  Dead Sea Climatotherapy changed my life, and now I'm committed to helping others find treatment."

- Francesca Barone, main organizer


Discover how the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea in Jordan can aid in vitiligo treatment. With its unique location, 400 meters below sea level, and a certified climatotherapy method, you can achieve up to 90% skin repigmentation naturally."

See results
See results


of patients experience a repigmentation of more than 50% of face spots  in only 21 days.



number of patients that have been treated following Prof. Schallreuter´s protocol in Jordan in her 20 years long research.



of patients show good repigmentation of body spots after only 21 days. Repigmentation is experienced up to 4 months after the treatment.

The treatment

Our treatment is based on the innovative research made by Prof. K. Schallreuter in over 20 years of experience. Over 1000 patients were treated thanks to Dead Sea Climatotherapy (DSC)  following Schallreuter´s protocol.


Servizi di consulenza

Servizi di consulenza

La gestione dei sinistri, dei servizi assicurativi e delle controversie legali è tra le sfide più complesse per ospedali, assicurazioni e medici. In Brain gestiamo per conto vostro le pratiche assicurative e medico-legali, garantendo una gestione semplificata, maggiore efficienza e, sopratutto, massima trasparenza.


Servizi di consulenza

Servizi di consulenza

La gestione dei sinistri, dei servizi assicurativi e delle controversie legali è tra le sfide più complesse per ospedali, assicurazioni e medici. In Brain gestiamo per conto vostro le pratiche assicurative e medico-legali, garantendo una gestione semplificata, maggiore efficienza e, sopratutto, massima trasparenza.


Servizi di consulenza

Servizi di consulenza

La gestione dei sinistri, dei servizi assicurativi e delle controversie legali è tra le sfide più complesse per ospedali, assicurazioni e medici. In Brain gestiamo per conto vostro le pratiche assicurative e medico-legali, garantendo una gestione semplificata, maggiore efficienza e, sopratutto, massima trasparenza.


Servizi di consulenza

Servizi di consulenza

La gestione dei sinistri, dei servizi assicurativi e delle controversie legali è tra le sfide più complesse per ospedali, assicurazioni e medici. In Brain gestiamo per conto vostro le pratiche assicurative e medico-legali, garantendo una gestione semplificata, maggiore efficienza e, sopratutto, massima trasparenza.

The problem: H2O2

Servizi di consulenza

Vitiligo is mainly caused by an excessive presence of H2O2 on the skin compared to healthy patients. Simplifying, H2O2 disactivates melanin creation and melanin is the pigment that makes our skin get color. Therefore an excessive H2O2 leads to loss of pigmentation and thereby the presence of vitiligo.

Servizi di consulenza

The solution: The Dead Sea

Servizi di consulenza

Revolutionary research by Prof. Schallreuter found that the unique DeadSea (Jordan) natural micro-climate and the application of a special pseudocatalase cream lead to a drastic reduction in H2O2, the cause of  Vitiligo, and therefore to a rapid repigmentation of the skin.




The treatment:
3 weeks in Jordan

Servizi di consulenza

The Schallreuter protocol involves a three-week group-trip to Jordan. Though simple, the protocol has been perfected in 20 years of experience and it involves:

Sea-bathing in DeadSea´s mineral-rich waters

Sun-bathing at the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth (-430m b.s.l)

Daily application of a Pseudocatalase cream


Servizi di consulenza

Servizi di consulenza

In caso di un sinistro che coinvolga voi o un vostro familiare, ci occuperemo di un'analisi preliminare del danno e delle basi della pretesa. Se necessario, forniremo assistenza nel contenzioso per garantire una gestione efficace e risolutiva della situazione.



Francesca Barone

Francesca is a dedicated trip organizer for individuals seeking vitiligo treatment at the Dead Sea in Jordan. Living with vitiligo herself, she has been personally visiting the Dead Sea for treatment since 2014 and has experienced its transformative effects firsthand. With her deep knowledge of the treatment protocol, Francesca is committed to helping others navigate their healing journey, offering personalized assistance and guidance to new patients. Fluent in Italian, English, German, Dutch, and Spanish, she ensures a supportive, multilingual experience for all participants, fostering a welcoming and informed environment for everyone on the trip.